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Projects Under Construction or in Final Design

Additional Projects Are Further Improving the System

The District completed its ten-year, $54 million series of upgrades in 2023 but the work of keeping the system up to date remains ongoing. Upcoming  facility improvement projects include:

  • Rehabilitation of the treatment plant’s existing clarifier, which has been in consistent use since its construction in 1953, will require a complete replacement of its collector mechanism and improvements to odor control.
  • Electrical upgrades to the plant.
  • rehabilitation of the conveyance system's Beach Force Main. The Beach Force Main Rehabilitation Project will allow critical force main redundancy with the Alexander Avenue force main which conveys wastewater from the Main Street pump station to the treatment plant. Rehabilitation of the Beach Force Main will also allow for force main inspections and reduce energy costs at the Main Street pump station.
Existing primary treatment clarified first constructed in 1953.
New redundant clarifier constructed in 2019.

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