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Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District
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Ten Year Infrastructure Renewal Program (CIP)

$53 Million, Ten Year Plan Nearly Complete

Following an extensive evaluation of the District’s operations and infrastructure, in 2010 the District adopted a comprehensive financial and 4-year sewer service rate plan to provide revenue for needed collection system, pump station, pipeline and treatment plant renewal and upgrades. The work included a 10-year capital improvement plan (CIP) through 2020/21 which identified $53 million of needed sewer infrastructure improvements that are nearly complete.

$4.6 Million in Additional Projects Are Planned for the Coming Two Years

There are $4.6 million in remaining bond funds that will be used for the following projects:

  • Improve treatment by adding a headworks (screening facility) and upgrading treatment processes, thereby  improving reliability through redundancy and increasing capacity for wet weather flow.
  • Add exterior coating to Fixed Film Reactor. These are 40’ tall and 40’ diameter concrete tanks used for secondary treatment. They use a biological process to help remove solids from waste water.
  • Re-Roof the operations library.
  • Rehabilitate drains and re-pave the maintenance and shop area.
  • Upgrade generators throughout the District’s conveyance system and at the treatment plant.
  • Rehabilitate the primary clarifier to maintain reliability and capacity, and to improve odor control.

Once complete, every part of the wastewater collection, conveyance and treatment system will have been upgraded, redundancy installed, and capacity increased. The wastewater system is now and capable of carrying the District through a 100-year rain event, electrical shut downs by PG&E, and all other identified needs.

Ongoing Capital Improvements

The District continues to maintain an ongoing capital improvement program to further improve reliability and to address changing State and Federal water quality regulations. In addition, several projects target the reduction of ground water infiltration into the treatment system, including a second phase of collection system rehabilitation, and ongoing inspections to private laterals. Groundwater adds to the volume of water that needs to be pumped to the treatment plant and treated, resulting in additional costs for both treatment and capital projects required to increase system capacity to protect public health and the Bay.