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Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District
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  3. Maintain Your Sewer Lateral

Maintain Your Sewer Lateral

Laterals are the sewer pipelines that run from your home or business to the main pipeline in the street. They are the responsibility of the property owner and a major cause of sewer overflows and spills.

The sewer lateral is the responsibility of the property owner. Many laterals are aging, cracking and leaking. They can fill with water during storms and cause sewer spills, backups and stress to the treatment plants.

Public Main Sewer. The City of Sausalito and the Tamalpais Community Services District own and maintain the main pipelines in the street in their respective jurisdictions. The District owns and maintains the main pipelines in Marin City and other unincorporated areas.

Property Owners are Required to Conduct a Sewer Lateral Inspection at the Time of Home Remodels and Sales

Illustration of a sewer lateral

Protect Yourself and Your Neighbors from Sewer Backups and Spills

Property owners are required to conduct a sewer lateral inspection at the time of home remodels and sales.Property owners should also periodically maintain their laterals.

Tips for Maintaining Your Sewer Lateral

  • Laterals must be equipped with a backflow preventer and cleanout.
  • Periodically inspect and repair lateral and backflow preventer.
  • Use a qualified plumber to inspect and repair your sewer lateral line.
  • Don’t flush wipes – they will clog your drain.
  • Never pour grease down your sink!
  • Don’t connect outdoor drains or downspouts to your lateral.
  • Make sure cleanout caps are sealed.

Up to $2,000 Grants Available to Repair Your Lateral

Many private laterals are cracked or broken, putting everyone at risk of sewer backups and spills. It is important to fill out a grant application and obtain approval for a grant of up to $2,000 before having any work done. Click here for more information.

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