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  4. Sewer Lateral Compliance Certificates

Sewer Lateral Compliance Certificates

*Lateral Compliance Certificates, Remodeling & Change in Use

SMCSD requires a compliance certificate for all private laterals located in the unincorporated areas within the District’s boundaries including Marin City when the property's title is being transferred (resale), change in customer, remodel or construction over $50,000 and change in use (i.e. second dwelling).

An individually owned unit in a multi-unit structure served by a single or shared lateral, such as a condominium or common interest development, as well as commercial properties, are required to have all private laterals inspected and issued a compliance certificate by 2022.

The required certificate is the responsibility of the homeowner's associations or the owner of the multi-structure and commercial property.  If your lateral has not been inspected or replaced within the last 10 years, SMCSD will require an inspection.

For specific details please review the  links below:

Multi Unit & Commercial Lateral Inspection Requirements

Ordinance 89

District Code Chapter 2.33, pages 14-18.

*If you live with the City limits of Sausalito you must contact the City Department of Public Works - Sewer Division for your compliance inspection and certificate. City of Sausalito Sewer Division

SMCSD only handles Marin City and the other unincorporated areas of our District.

Submission of Lateral Inspections Online Only With  - Go Forward Lateral

An inspection must be performed by a certified plumber and they must utilize “Go Forward Lateral” inspection software for documenting, reporting and submitting the inspection.  No other method will be accepted.  The submission fee to Go Forward Lateral is the plumber's responsibility.

Plumbers must use a CCTV camera to inspect laterals internally from the cleanout located near the property foundation to the point of connection to the District’s collection system.  All inspections must be recorded in Forward Lateral and reviewed by the District.  The District follows inspection guidelines established by the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) in order to maintain consistency and ensure compliance with industry standards.  Reports provide by plumbers are for information only.  Inspection videos must be clear, must show the property and address, and must be performed at a rate of no more than 2 feet per second at a steady rate.  Poor quality videos which do not allow for proper inspection will be rejected

For more information please contact SMCSD District Engineer Kevin Rahman at or (415) 331-4714.