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Press Release - Proposed New Rates
Contact: General Manager Jeffrey Kingston,
jeffrey@smcsd.net, (415) 332-0244
March 6, 2024
PRESS NOTICE: For Immediate Release
Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District is Proposing New Rates
Overall 2% Revenue Increase. Specific Charges Vary.
Following months of detailed financial and engineering studies with the help of an independent rate consultant, Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District’s Board of Directors approved setting a hearing date and release of a notice to property owners of proposed new rates.
2% revenue increases are below the rate of inflation. Over the last decade, the District has made over $54 million in improvements to the wastewater treatment plant and the collection system pipelines and pumps. With the wastewater system in good condition and due to efficient planning, operations, and administration, the District can operate effectively with only a 2% per year overall increase in revenue despite rising costs. This is below the rate of inflation.
The specific charges to each class of customer—Single Family, Multifamily, Floating Homes, and Nonresidential — vary in the first year (2024–25) from a decrease of $1 per year to an increase of $93 per year. After 2024–25, increases for the next four years are 2% or less per year for all customers.
All property owners in the District will receive a detailed notice explaining the rates for each class of customers in different parts of the service area. The notice will also explain how customers can obtain answers to their questions, provide input, or protest the increase. In unincorporated areas like Marin City and floating homes, the District provides all sewer-related services. Within the City of Sausalito, the District provides sewer conveyance and treatment only, and the City of Sausalito provides the sewer collection service.
A public hearing to approve the rates is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 12:00 PM. The District Board of Directors will consider all protests against the proposed rate changes at the public hearing. If, on or before the close of the public hearing, written protests against the proposed rate update are presented by a majority of parcels that receive sewer services, the Board will not enact the proposed rate plan.
For details about the proposed rates, the public hearing, and wastewater services, please contact the District at (415) 332-0244, info@smcsd.net, or our website.