A major bypass was required to support construction on the fixed film reactor pump station. This work increased pumping capacity by 50% for secondary treatment.
A major bypass was required to support construction on the fixed film reactor pump station. This work increased pumping capacity by 50% for secondary treatment.
Framing of headworks.
Framing of the second major wall of the equalization storage basin required substantial bracing to pour concrete 40-feet-deep.
Framing of the equalization storage basin wall which required 30 inch thick concrete at the bottom.
Construction of the first wall of the 600,000 gallon equalization storage basin.
Excavating under the causeway in order to deliver flow from the new primary clarifier to secondary treatment facilities. This work was performed over 10 feet below sea level.
Installing new piping under the causeway for the new primary clarifier and disc filter.
Disc filter pump station including spare/redundant pump and new piping.
Coring hole for new disc filter pump station which is used to pump water to the disc filters.
Disc filter cloth is capable of removing particles as small as 5 microns. A human hair is 50 microns wide.